I’m so sorry I forgot to include the recipe for the okra fries, may people have inquired about it!
* Toss the okra in a little bit of olive oil
* place the okra in a freezer bag with S&P and little bit of garlic salt (or whatever spices you’d like) then shake it up
* spread the okra out on the foil pan and turn oven on for 30 min @ 450
You can leave them in there longer depending on how crispy you want the okra
I have to say, I learned this recipe from Meghann!!
I leave you with this…I finally tried a Vita Top.
Love these 100 cal treats
I devoured it with grapes & yogurt. I then realized I didn’t take a pic..ooops
Plus I spent Saturday cleaning and straightening. We were having friends over last night.
If your thinking green pillows w/ pink is weird….there are green stripes in the sofa. lol
A little dusting
Kitchen is now spic and span!!
Now I’m going to rest and enjoy my Sunday!
I woke up with arms feeling like jello. I blame Jillian and the weights for this soar feeling. I’ve always used 5 lb dumbbells and I think I may need to go down to lighter weights. I realize with Jillian’s workouts we incorporate weights more than when I do The Firm workouts.
What size weights are you using with the 30 Day Shred?
Enjoy your Sunday

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Yeah, for getting it back Lexi!! woo hoo
Those okra fries look lovely. I will def be trying those soon!
Also, I got my gmail back!
Your place is so cute! Love the colors
Your apartment is tooo cute. & yay for vitatops!
I love the colors, very happy & soothing! =) Laura
I have had those vita top muffins before. I agree the 5 lbs may be a bit much to start.
I used 5 lb weights with it but I think they were too much for some of the exercises, especially just starting out. I think Jillian recommends going with 3 lb-ers at first!
love the couch!!!! its so cute! : )
Yea i try and do 5 pound weights when i do hardcore workouts but it just kills my arms.. i have 3 lbers for heavy duty ones, then use the 5 lbs when im doing “simple” weight lifting..
i use 4 lb weights when i actually make it through a full session. most of the time i don’t!
LOL… Thank you! Don’t be too envious! I have a “cottage cheese factory” in the back! HAHA! No really tho… its definately the part I have to work on LEAST which makes me like it MOST!
Thanks for posting the okra recipe! I use 5 lb weights with the Shred workout, however during some of her exercises I wish they were lighter!
Vita Tops are just like bricks of deliciousness. Yummm I need to order some more soon!
Love your place… it’s so cute and homey!
I use 5lb weights w/ Jillian! I think I am moving on to level 2 tomorrow! I’m a little scared! LOL
I LOVE hot yoga but I had to drive over an hour to do it in a studio the first couple times… SO I decided it would be way more cost efficient and SMELL BETTER (LOL) if I just did it at home! =)
Haha, the first time I did the shred I had to use soup cans because I couldn’t find any weights!
your house is so clean
yay! and i love the green pillows with the pink!
I use 5 or 8 pounds, depending on the move. Have a great weekend!
Umm, I want your sofa. So cute!
Cute place! Pink and green go great together!
I use 5s, but for the shoulder things I use 3s b/c I have bad shoulders.
I’ve never really had okra. I think I need to embrace the fact that I live in the South and try it.
I used soup cans for some of the Shred moves and 5 pound weights for the others.
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