I think today was the best Monday, in a very long time. I went with the flow of my ”Things to Do” list at work and accomplished everything. Feels great when you stick to a plan! To my surprise the board meeting only lasted an hour, which was great considering I was getting sleepy at the end.
I passed on the doughnuts this morning and went with a banana nut muffin.
POM also sent me some samples of their coffee to try, which was great with my muffin.
Lunch was some veggie spaghetti and apple slices. While I played on the Internet and fixed my Facebook account. I hate when they change the layouts…it’s annoying.
We went with Jason’s Deli for our board meeting and I tried the Spinach Wrap. Nothing special considering they smooshed my wraps.
It appeared to look like one tiny wrap but was two…couldn’t tell from the smooshing. BOO!
Spinach, mushrooms, sprouts, feta cheese…it was still good.
Yummy cup of fruit.
I would workout, but my body’s still in pain from Saturday’s Boot Camp. Chris thinks it’s funny to chase me around and tickle me. Nope, I can’t even run from him…more like ‘‘Zombie Walking’‘, I’m that slow. lol
I leave you with some Pirate Love from Saturday.
Attempting to look mean…but I’m just too sweet.
I have a weakness for Shiner Beer, the ”best dark beer” in Texas. I’d like to take a trip to Shiner, Tx to visit the brewery sometime next year.
Good Night
How To Have A Successful Work Week:
- Plan ahead starting with Friday, clear off your desk before leaving work
- Use a list to stay organized day by day…if possible
- Screen calls if you can
- Any new items on your list go to bottom (unless urgent)
- Take your time and breathe
How do you have a successful Monday? What do you do, and what is your biggest challenge?

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such a cute costume!!
to have a successful week I buy food for teh week on sunday so I am prepared for the week!!
I have been havin major google reader issues But i think I fixed it! new link on my blog
I have wanted to try the POM coffee drinks but I am a little reluctant since they are a fruit juice company… but it sounds like the coffee is good!
Cute costume ! LOL
I consider it a successful work day if I do not swear when i put someone on hold- or curse a department not in my building out- or complain once during the day. Since none of those never NOT happen, i just try and let it go when i leave at 5:30 lol
your costume is SOOOOOO adorable! i love it!
Those are some great tips! I love your costume!
Hi Nicci! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Monday’s are always hard for me. Especially if I had a busy weekend. I normally grab a cup of coffee to get me through the day. I’m not sure if it helps. The best part of Monday’s for me is when I’m getting off from work, LOL!!
haha- you look awesome in that costume! Too cute. Yes, crossing things off the to do list always makes for a good day. I’m a HUGE planner and couldn’t make it through my crazy/busy weeks without my list!
Oh my gosh! Love the pirate costume! I think I’m actually going to go to Jason’s Deli for lunch today – and get me some free ice cream!
To-do lists are so necessary for me in order to accomplish anything. If I just “think about what I need to get done” nothing ever happens. Gotta be able to see it and mark it off!
Love the pirate costume! I love Jason’s Deli too – all about some salad and soft serve – woo! I usually prepare Monday on Sunday afternoon. Just plan my day in Outlook, move things over and rest easy! I wish I could do it Friday but Friday i’m very, very unfocused! And then I forget. haha
You look like a mighy fine pirate!
And you and I had the opposite Monday…I had NOTHING done on Monday. First, I woke up late, and missed class, so I said, “screw it” and went back to bed and woke up at noon. And then I spent the rest of the day as a lazy-ass doing nothing.
This is my “What not to do” to your “what to do”
Ahh love the pirate costume!! I’m still skeptical about POM iced coffee. But I do love POM, so I guess I need to try it!
Love Jason’s Deli — their salad bar is my favorite. I also love Shiner Bock! So good.
No matter what, I always seem to have a lousy Monday. I’m often disorganized at the beginning of the week and don’t fall into my routine until Wednesday.
I like how Jason’s deli has fruit as a side option.
Mondays usually pass pretty fast for me. Not sure why.
Mondays are actually the fastest day of the week for me, because they tend to be the busiest. Love your costume! You are too cute!
OMG, I have never seen Pom coffee before. That seems so silly. Cool that you got to try it.
LOVE your costume girl! you look fab
HA I love your pirate costume! I try to get a really good workout in on Monday morning…it sets the tone for the rest of the week.
I have Starbucks Monday! Every Monday, I get a Starbucks…It’s a nice little way to start the week (esp when Im not getting Starbucks on the other days…it makes Monday’s drink more of a treat…though I do cheat sometimes).
My Monday was great. I’m glad yours was too.
Shiner is my go-to beer. It’s actually the first beer I ever drank.
YOUR COSTUME IS ADORABLE!!!!! You look so great : )
love the costume!! i’ve never heard of shiner…i’ll have to give it a try if i ever see it!
love the pirate costume! happy halloween!
I need to have a good attitude on Monday to help set my week off well … if I am miserable, and grumpy about it being Monday, it throws off my whole week.
Oh yes. The Pirate look is workin’ for you. Just like that muffin works for me.
Stefanie- this one was tasted like regular coffee, nothing too grand. I think the muffin helped…lol but I really liked the Vanilla. I drank that one last week.
Thanks Katie. lol
Glad you had a good day at work! Mondays are sometimes the hardest to get through.
Great tips. I don’t have a job right now, so the most important way for me to make my week “successful” is to have some kind of structure for each day.
LOVE your pirate! You’re so cute, Nicci.
Ahh I love some Jason’s deli – esp since they have free fro yo, yes please! Did you like the Pom samples? I had mixed reviews on the various flavors (cafe au lait my fave, others just mediocre), curious to know what you thought too… my boyfriend seemed to really like all of them though!
For a successful week, I make a big to do list and then space it out over the week. Feeling like I have to complete everything in one day makes no sense at all. Like you said, take time to breathe!
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