The great people at have sent me a copy of their new book to giveaway.
The Spark is a book filled with tips on losing weight, getting fit and transforming your life.
- Exercise and Eating Plan- broken into 4 simple steps
- Before & After pictures of the most successful members
- Tons of success stories and motivation
I’ve been a member of Sparkpeople for over 4 years and I like their online community. Check out their website for more information.
To enter leave a comment below with your favorite ”motivational tip”.
The winner will be picked on Saturday morning. Sorry this giveaway is only open to U.S. residents.

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What a cool giveaway! My motivation tip is to create an encouraging saying that you repeat in your head whenever you feel discourage and want to exercise or do some emotional eating. Eventually, the saying will snap you back into your healthy place!
When you are running, chase after the person you dislike the most. (Ex- boyfriends always work!)
My motivational trick is to plan my workout around a tv show I really want to watch. That way – I know I’ll be enjoying some good tv while I’m sweating!
Take one meal at a time…if you mess up at one, there are two others to make up for.
One motivational trick I’ve used is to keep things out in the open so I’ll use them. If my weights and resistance bands are in front of the TV, I’ll be more likely to use them. If I lay out gym clothes and shoes ahead of time, I’ll be less likely to put it off. If I keep magazine workout routines or printouts handy, I have no excuse to not do them. All that’s left is that first little spark (sorry, pun not *totally* intended!) to get the ball rolling, and the rest of the pieces are already in place!
To motivate myself I write my favorite quote on a post-it note and tape it to my mirror so that I see it every morning before heading to the gym. It says, “One Day You Will Not Be Able To Do This…Today is NOT That Day!”
My tip is that you should think about what how wonderful it would be to make the accomplishment you are striving for. Then…go do it.
the power of changing yourself starts with YOU. Instead of complaining, get up and change today. BTW congrats on that great new job
Make yourself move yourself…
motivation: looking through old pictures of myself during my ‘big/unhealthy’ year and to realize i do not want that to happen again so hopefully to make good choices… sometimes trying on clothes and realize if they are tight to be healthier
i am on sparkpeople too. i love it.
One of my favorite motivational tips is to pull out a pair of pants that might be a BIT too snug, and to hang them somewhere visible for a week or always gets me thinking twice about having that second cookie!
My favorite motivational tip is to just DO IT! (ha, boring from Nike I guess :s) But really, in the morning when I don’t feel like crawling out of bed early or in the evening when all i feel like doing is sitting down … I just have to DO IT or else I’ll think about it and talk myself out of working out!
My best motivational tip is to tell people about your goals. I HATE not succeeding at goals that people know about (it’s not even an option). Plus, when your friends ask you about your training/weightloss goal, you want to have positive improvement to report.
My tip — remember that sometimes it is difficult to get yourself to the gym but you always feel great afterward.
Remember-you can always do one more…one more step, one more breath, one more rep!
My favourite motivational tip – “you never regret a workout!!”
I would love to win this book!!! I want to gift it to someone at work!
My motivational tip is to read success stories on! There are so many it is hard to poke around on the site without getting motivated to get out there and GET IT!!!
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