Awww, first quick post via Iphone! Gotta love the technology!
Today was an adventure trying out softball gloves. I’ve been practicing with Chris’ for the past week, but must give it back… were on the same team.
Kristin and Trinity went shopping with me but I didn’t commit to a glove…so many choices and fits.
I’ll just wait and borrow one for now.
Kristin and Trin introduced me to Boba Tea after shopping!
What’s Boba Tea??
A sweet preferably fruit tea containing small tapioca balls. Usually made with fruit or milk.
I had a “Mango” cold Boba tea!
Yum! Perfect Saturday Treat.
Anyone ever tried Boba Tea?? What’s your favorite flavor?

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I *LOVE* boba tea… my favorite is taro. NOM.
Um get me a taro smoothie stat! I love that stuff cause it’s Asian! Like me!
I do like Boba tea but if they put too many tapioca balls in it I get grossed out. ha
Mango is definitely my favorite.
I’ve wanted to try boba tea for EVER. is there a place to get it in town??
Nope, I have never tried Boba tea!
Boba Tea is something I’ve definitely never heard of, but of course will look into now. I didn’t know tapioca was so versatile, outside of pudding, lol.
Interesting… I like tea and tapioca so it sounds good to me! I haven’t seen anything like it around here.
I’ve tried boba tea but didn’t like the tapiocas. Alas, I tried! But the tea was good.
I had fun! You chose such a yummy tea- I’m copying you next time- lol
haha, I want to get a milk based one like the one you had Trin. Yours was good too.
You can drink the tea cold or hot!!
I like the flavor but not a fan of the tapioca balls. The texture is just too weird!
We call it Bubble Tea here… I absolutely love Honeydew… it’s so light and fresh.
I’ve heard of that tea, but never tried it. However, I’m not a cold tea drinker. I remember when it first made it’s way to NYC it was quite the trendy drink for a little while.
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