Friday night we had an early birthday celebration for Chris with friends, at our place.
Good times.
A delicious Saturday breakfast.
- Spinach scrambled eggs
- strawberries
- grapes
- English muffins with jelly
Eclipse, afternoon movie time with Kirstyn and Trinity… loved it.
Anyone find Eclipse to be somewhat corny but still the best one in the series so far??
What are your weekend plans?

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Of course Eclipse was corny, of course I loved it. And laughed like crazy when Jacob told Edward that he was hotter.
happy belated bday mr. bf!
I haven’t seen Eclipse yet … just started the book!!!
Lol! I totally just finished the book Twilight….and just watched the movie last night! I said I would never watch or read it and now I am hooked and madly in love with Edward
I hear that Eclipse was the best! I am so excited!
I haven’t seen it yet, but I’ve heard a lot of my friends who are fans say that the third Twilight movie was by far the best!
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